Software Toolkit 3D-MAX 2009

Software Toolkit 3D-MAX 2009

Guide acvite sofware

Step 1: Open the Autodesk 3ds Max, choose Active: Appearance of new books, in the Customer Service Request -> Close:

Step 2: program back window as Step 1, choose Active will appear as Figure: Select "I have an activation code from autodesk"

Step 3: Run the file xf-a2011.exe in 3 D Max calls item in the setup Select Mem Patch -> OK

Step 4: Copy Request code in step 2 into the box Request from the image above -> click Generabe Then we get active in cell activation key below.

Step 5: Copy active recently received key to the "I have an activation code from autodesk" in step 2, then click Next:

Step 6: Click Finish. Link to download: I wish you success!

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